Welcome to Chito-Ryu Karate and the Yoseikan of Orlando II Dojo!

At our National Clinic and Test Board in Oct. of 2005 , Sensei David Tsuruoka (Sensei Masami Tsuruoka's son) visited the U.S. Chito-kai for the first time. Sensei Acampora was lucky enough to serve as his uke, although some might not have considered it "lucky"... 

The Winter Getaway at West Palm Beach in Feb. 2005 was a fantastic training weekend with open-air workouts at a luxurious Beachfront Hotel.


Shihan Ludwig (3rd from right) is one of our most frequent visitors! In 2004, all the Central FL Senseis held an advanced, marathon training class at our secret auxiliary Chito-Ryu dojo inside Walt Disney World.

Sensei Levin at the Aug. 2002 Shochugeiko at Big Bone State Park in Kentucky receiving instruction from Shihan Herbst on the Bo kata Sakagawa No Kon Sho.